Rules and Documentation
Whether you buy Environmentally Friendly Electricity from hydro power or wind power, it is documented through Guarantees of Origin, the so-called Recs certificates. If you buy Guarantees of Origin corresponding to your company’s electricity consumption, your company can call itself carbon neutral.
The Guarantees of Origin is certified by an auditor and is therefore your proof for the electricity consumption being covered by renewable energy. At the same time, Energi Danmark issues a proof for Environmentally Friendly Electricity.
When buying a Guarantee of Origin, you commit to care for the environment – a care that you can use to more easily communicate your company’s environmental concerns to customers and business partners.
The Recs certificates will be issued and handled in accordance with the guidelines from Energinet.dk. Energinet.dk is responsible for the electricity and gas networks in Denmark and helps securing the integration of renewable energy into the electricity market.