Our Sustainability Agenda
The Energi Danmark Group welcomes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the UN as an essential and relevant framework with regard to the use of the Earth’s resources. We have chosen to focus our sustainable initiatives on goal 7: Affordable & Clean Energy, which is where we can make a difference through our core business. The objective of this UN goal is to ensure access to financially accessible, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for everyone. The Energi Danmark Group is secondarily also supporting goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities, goal 12: Responsible Consumption & Production and finally goal 13: Climate Action. We believe that these supporting goals are highly relevant to our business area and therefore important for us to acknowledge and support.
Using UN goal 7 as the guideline as well as supporting goal 9, 11, 12 and 13, we base our CSR strategy on the following four strategy points: Energy & Society, Responsible Commerce, People & Culture and Responsible Operations.

Our value chain
The Energi Danmark Group has two main value processes: Customers and trading.
We ensure all parts of the value chain as balance responsible and we act 24/7/365 – from the shortest balancing to the long financial hedges. We help move power and gas from areas with low demand to areas with high demand. The Energi Danmark Group helps ensure effective markets through active participation. In this way, everyone is guaranteed that the prices in all markets are the best possible for consumers and producers alike.