Energi Danmark ensures clear billing of Lundbeck’s PPA
Lundbeck has entered into a PPA with Better Energy. In addition to the agreement, Energi Danmark will ensure that billing is clear and transparent.
Entering into a PPA can be a complicated process with many decisions and legal clarifications to be made. But in actual fact, PPA billing is also complicated, with a fixed purchase volume and variable consumption, as well as distribution to many metering points. This is much more difficult and confusing than a standard electricity agreement.
Lundbeck wanted their PPA to be billed in the same way as an ordinary electricity agreement; clearly and simply.
Energi Danmark takes care of this.
There can be several challenges associated with PPA billing.
The spread between the agreed consumption and the actual consumption must be billed correctly, which results in a number of intermediate accounts and statements.
It’s cumbersome and time-consuming.

The PPA agreement between Lundbeck and Better Energy, which runs over seven years, means that new renewable energy will be added to the Danish electricity grid. Better Energy is constructing a new photovoltaic plant at Falster with a capacity of 34 MWp, which will be ready at the end of 2021.